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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS
  • Istituto di Economia

Antonello Soro, President of Data Protection Authority, is the keynote speaker at the Sant’Anna School, Sept. 18, 2019, “Privacy: limite od opportunità? Gli esempi delle nuove tecnologie e dei dati sanitari”

Publication date: 31.08.2019
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Antonello Soro, President of Data Protection Authority, will discuss “Privacy: limite od opportunità? Gli esempi delle nuove tecnologie e dei dati sanitari” in Pisa Sant’Anna School on Wednesday, September 18 at 3.00 pm. Sabina Nuti, Sant’Anna School Rector, will introduce panelists and guest speakers together with Giovanni Comandé, Professor of Comparative Private Law at the Dirpolis Institute, and Andrea Roventini, Professor of Political Economics at the Institute of Economics, acting as moderators. Moderators will direct discussions and question/answers from the audience in the workshop featuring Marta Colonna (Digital Transformation Dept. – Council of Ministers), Massimo Moggi (Sant’Anna School Institute of Economics), and Dino Pedreschi (University of Pisa).

The workshop aims to discuss how data protection legislation may negatively influence the development and use of Big Data and AI by European companies. DPA President and Speakers will focus on the data protection law issues that arise in implementing AI technology and on the tension between AI and existing data protection legal requirements to ensure that data protection does not affect individuals’ privacy rights.

Commenting on the announcement of the seminar, Giovanni Comandé said: “The right to protection of personal data and the tension between technological innovations and Data Privacy dominate the headlines globally as hot topics for EU citizens, consumers, professionals and managers. We know data privacy protection will continue to increase in importance; we all have seen negative consequences when personal data are manipulated. However, we should remember that the General Data Protection Regulation aims to increase transparency to foster trust that our data are properly protected. In modern society, the debate around privacy is a debate about rights and freedoms. The rules that protect personal data give us the ability to assert our rights while allowing us to think freely without judgement or discrimination”.

Cover photo: Antonello Soro, President of Italy’s Data Protection Authority